Barcamp: New Work & Social Sustainability in the Media Industry - Future or Already Reality?

This year, we are dedicating ourselves to the topic of “New Work and Social Sustainability”. Like everywhere else, working environments in the media industry are in a constant state of transformation. Globalization, digitization and the increasing use of AI, as well as demographic change and rapid technological progress, are now creating completely new work structures. Concepts such as flexibility, agility, teamwork, creativity, identity, networking as well as wellbeing, resilience and self-efficacy are increasingly taking on a new meaning for our daily work.
What opportunities and risks do such far-reaching changes in the world of work entail? What challenges do we have to face in order to create a future-oriented, target group-oriented and sustainable work culture to meet people’s needs? And what ideas or approaches already exist for this?
We look forward to your ideas, approaches, suggestions, solutions, recommendations, discussions …on how we can make the working world of our media industry more sustainable.
BarCamp in a nutshell: What is it?
Their approach is based on the observation that conference participants experience the conversations in the coffee breaks as far more profitable than the organized lectures and thematically predetermined seminars.
Barcamps are announced under a direction-bound theme, the concrete topics however bring in the participants themselves. After short pitches (presentations), the topics are democratically selected from the proposals, which are then discussed in the group sessions and solutions are developed.
At the end, all participants directly receive the summaries of all groups running in parallel and therefore gain insight into all results. With this agile approach and the associated looseness, barcamps manage to achieve great success and set valuable impulses.
Here a short video of “Corporate Learning Community / YouKnow” gives a quick access to what barcamps actually are.
- interactive format
- unconference for networking
- focus on participants
- exchange at eye level