
BBC Radio producer Kieran Poole gives guest lecture to students

BBC Radio producer Kieran Poole gives guest lecture to students

Kieran Poole, BBC Radio producer and podcast presenter, hosted a guest lecture and workshop for SAE London students

The sessions drew on Kieran’s extensive experience across various parts of the landscape of digital media.

As well as a keynote, he ran a practical session where groups had to pretend they were on The Graham Norton Show. One student would host while the others were on the sofa with their celebrity identities drawn out of a hat. This activity demonstrated the craft of group interviewing in a broadcast situation.

Kieran Poole gives lecture to SAE London students

Commenting, Kieran said: “It was great to meet the SAE students who clearly have a passion for content creation and storytelling.” 

“We focussed on the art of interviewing and how curiosity and an interest in people are key factors. It was great to hear about their podcast assignment ideas and I am sure many of them will be coming back to guest lecture in the future talking about their success.”

Kieran Poole gives lecture to SAE students

Shelley White, SAE’s Programme Leader for Film and Media, said: “Kieran ran two sessions for us as part of the Podcasting module in the Content Creation & Online Marketing course.”

“He talked specifically about effective interview techniques, and how to get the best out of a guest. It is really important that students learn not only the technical skills needed for podcasting, but also the communication and rapport-building skills necessary to conduct an enlightening interview.”

Huge thanks to Kieran for visiting our campus. Connect with him below:

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