To mark International Women’s Day, SAE has come together to increase the visibility of women's work in creative spaces.

Please join us by taking extra time this March to celebrate women and further educate yourself on the invaluable role they play.
Women in Audio: Working at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall – Rachael and Ellen Interview
I Directed a Film with an All Female Cast and Crew – Sophia Godwin Interview

Growing Up In A Pornified Culture – Gail Dines TEDx Talk
Get involved and sign up to a movement through Bold Voices.

In this country we currently face an epidemic of violence against women and girls. In the UK, a violent man kills a woman every three days. We can change this. We need to change this. It starts by men reflecting on their own behaviour and the way they see, treat and talk about women. We all have a responsibility to raise our voices to help keep women and girls safe.
Find out more here.
‘Discrimination against women’ is: ‘Any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms on the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field’
Read Western Ideals of Gender Equality: Contemporary Middle Eastern Women by Imogen Parker here

Persepolis is the poignant, coming-of-age story of a young girl in Iran during the Islamic Revolution.
What can you do to support the campaign to end sexual harassment and violence against women students in third-level education?

Become an Active Bystander
The Bystander approach encourages the community to take ownership of sexual violence as a problem, and to take action if a potentially dangerous situation has been witnessed.
Understand Consent
Help create a culture where sex is fun and centred on on mutual consent. Consent workshops and awareness campaigns are being rolled out across third level institutes throughout the European Union (EU). Check with your faculty or student union as to whether there are resources for consent workshops or seminars aimed at students.
Break the Silence
Breaking the silence is key. You may see or hear things that perpetuate a culture of sexual violence like sexist statements or jokes about sexual violence and harassment. These comments may seem trivial, with potentially little or no impact. However, they may make your fellow students feel unsafe and unwanted. If you experience this type of behaviour, you should speak up and explain why this is NOT OK!
Know your Campus Resources
Your college has a responsibility to tackle incidents of sexual violence and harassment. Explore what resources are available for students in terms of support for survivors of sexual assault, harassment or violence.
Become an Activist
Empower yourself. Students have the power to build a strong zero tolerance culture on campus and beyond! Become a champion against sexual violence and harassment at third-level education and form your own activist group to ensure your voice is being heard, to mobilize your institute and to promote real change!
Sign up here to show support and interest in being part of SAE first female voices group. Lets start a positive movement!
For more information on It Stops Now, please click here.

“It’s often acceptable for boys to bend the rules whereas girls are expected to follow the rules. This double standard in how we treat boys and girls can restrict girls from speaking their minds, trying new things and fighting for what they want. In addition, an inability to disappoint parents can cause girls to become people-pleasers and followers.
The bottom line is that strong cultural and family influences can impact the personality, success and dreams of young women.
What can we do?”
Read How Culture Impacts Our Value of Women, Dr Shawn Andrews here
Music Producers Guild’s Inspiration Award winner, Sylvia Massey’s, studio and unconventional recording equipment.

Office for Students are consulting on how we can regulate to protect students from harassment and sexual misconduct. We will talk through the proposals we are consulting on and there will be a question and answer session for you to ask any questions about the consultation.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone with an interest in the issue of harassment and sexual misconduct affecting higher education students. This includes staff at higher education providers and those from other interested organisations.
register here
The Punk Singer – Documentary on Feminist musician and activist Kathleen Hanna